61 Lunch at Njuorajauresaiva

62 First night camping at Japmajaure

63 First night camping at Japmajaure

64 First morning camping at Japmajaure

65 Towards Naevertind

66 Towards Naevertind, looking back to Isvatnet

67 Lunch below Naevertind

68 100m under Naevertind

69 On top of Naevertind

70 Ofotfjorden from Naevertind

71 Istind from Naevertind

72 Retreating from Naevertind

73 On the base of Päivektjåkka

74 Towards the top of Päivektjåkka

75 Return from Päivektjåkka

76 The view south from Päivektjåkka

77 The camp site after visitors